Versions Compared


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After running a Speed Event Management Report, each event will contain the following information:Image Removed



Shows the device that generated the speed event. This will be either an IVU, Qube or iFace screen




Indicates the vehicle that the aforementioned device is assigned to in NextGen




Fleet that the vehicle is a member of




If you have driver login enabled and your driver was logged in at the time of the incident, then their name will be displayed in this column




that the driver is a member of


Start Location


Location of the Speed Event 


Time at which the speed event started


Time at which the speed event finished
Threshold Type


This refers to which type of speed event has been triggered: 
  • SignPosted - based off road-specific maps data. Please note that this option is only applicable to iFaces, not standalone IVUs or Qubes. 
  • Config - a set speed dictated by our default settings our chosen by the Transport Operator upon request. You have the option of choosing a Config threshold for all of your vehicles in NextGen, specific fleets or even individual vehicles. Please contact Support if you would like to configure this setting. 
Speed Events can be generated using either of these threshold types, or both (if both are selected, the lowest speed will always be used. For example, if the Config threshold is set at 100 km/h, but your vehicle drives at 95 km/h in a 90 zone, a SignPosted event will be generated). 
Speed Limit (km/h)


The limit that was breached 
Max Speed (km/h)


The highest actual speed that was recorded for this particular event 
Duration (h:m:s)


The length of the


End Type


The reason why the event ended. 
  • Normal - The vehicle went back below the threshold
  • InvalidSpd - We had invalid GPS 
  • ThrshChange - if the speed threshold changed (for example, Threshold type was SignPosted and the vehicle moved from an 80 km/h zone to a 90km/h zone) 
View Event


Click on the eye


Image Addedto view more details related to a particular Speed Event

After clicking on the View Event Eyeye, you will see the location of the event on a map. 

Green = Start of the trip | Orange = Middle of the trip | Red = End of the trip

titleIf your vehicle has an IVU or standalone iFace

Below the map, you will see a speed vs altitude chart. This is particularly useful in understanding the driver's behaviour. Most of the time you will see the altitude decrease as the speed increases, indicating that the vehicle was speeding up as it came off a hill. 

If your vehicle is fitted with an IVU, the speed event will most likely be generated from this unit and not the iFace. 
