The Driver Hours / Distance Report provides a list of all drivers' work/rest hours and distance travelled between logon and logoff.
Generating a report against a driver/branch will generate the following items:
Device | Vehicle | Fleet | Driver | Branch | Start Time | End Time | Elapsed Time | Work Time | Stationary Work Time | Rest Time | Distance Travelled (km) |
Device against which data was generated | Vehicle against which data was generated | Fleet that vehicle is assigned to | Driver | Branch that driver is assigned to | Start time of period, triggered by Driver Logging On | End time of period, triggered by Driver Logging Off | Total time between Driver Logging On and Off | Total duration of time spent logged in and "Working" | Total duration of time spent logged in and "Working" without moving | Total duration of time spent logged in and "Resting" | Total distance travelled between Driver Logging On and Off |
Please note:
- In order for Distance to be calculated, the report period must include both Logon and corresponding Logoff events
- If there are multiple Logon and Logoff events during the Report Period, these will be displayed as separate lines in the report
- If a driver is logged into two different vehicles/devices at the same time within the Report Period, the time will be counted twice. Each pair of Logon / Logoff events will be reported against the vehicle they were generated from.
- It is not possible to manually add Logon / Logoff events to NextGen however if they are present they can be edited or deleted, using the below buttons in Sentinel: