Historical Vehicle Lookup in Tracking View

Historical Vehicle Lookup in Tracking View

The Historical vehicle Look Up functionality in the Tracking screen can be used to help you find which vehicle was in a particular location at a set time in the past. This is especially useful for identifying which vehicles were involved in an incident, or confirming that a vehicle was at a location at a certain time.

Setting up Geofences for capturing arrival and departures times is the best way to capture this information for static sites, but this doesn’t help when a member of the public has complained about one of your drivers but can’t identify the vehicle.

Click on the icon on the top right 

Either use the map controls to zoom to the location you are interested in, or use the address lookup or branch lookup to zoom the map to the location. 

Draw the Geofence and select the period that you wish to investigate. 

The time period is important. Setting a long period will affect the results of the look up and take longer to run. Similarly, a large Geofence will take longer than a smaller Geofence.

The results will populate in a table under the date selector. The information will include:

  • Vehicle name
  • Driver (if logged in)
  • Entry time – when the vehicle first crossed the Geofence
  • Exit Time – when the vehicle last exited the Geofence
  • Duration – time between the two above events
  • Actions
    • Replay – shows all of the waypoints for that vehicle between the period selected on the date picker
    • Waypoints – shows the waypoints within the geofence and the 5 lead-in and 5 lead-out waypoints

If the vehicle crosses the Geofence multiple times during the period chosen, the Entry Time will be the first entry and the Exit time will be the last exit. This may mean the duration is longer than expected and the waypoints shown will be all of the waypoints between these two times. In these circumstances you may want to reduce the duration of the period that you are investigating.

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